"Where God guides, He provides".
I have experienced this truth in so many different areas of my life.
Since Sunday, I've been consumed in thinking about Pathway. Optimistically, I believe God has BIG plans for our church and all that He desires to accomplish through us. At the same time, I am realistic in my awareness of where we are now and all the resources we need.
This was what I prayed about this morning and then I read from my Bible..."Remember this! God led His people out singing for joy...He made them a gift of the country they entered, helped them seize the wealth of the nations...so they could do everything He told them" (Psalm 105:43-45 MSG).
What strikes me is how God led His people and miraculously provided for them so they could do everything He told them. There was a purpose in God's provision.
I realize we can't accomplish what God has for us unless He provides what we need. Because of this, I look for His miraculous provision for I believe He has something for us to do in San Diego.