Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Christmas Reminder

I read this and was challenged...

"If I may borrow from Dickens’s famous line, Christmas can be 'the best of times, the worst of times.'

We have them both, don’t we?
Who hasn’t cringed in September as stores already promote the Christmas decor? Who hasn’t felt uneasy about the exchange of gifts with people you hardly know? Who hasn't fretted over trying to fit one more party into the hectic schedule? Something about those experiences can make them seem like 'the worst of times.'

I prefer to view Christmas as 'the best of times.' This is God’s annual reminder to us: 'Feel the warmth in all the lights? Smell that tree? See those gifts? Hear those songs? They're all a reminder that My Son came for you.'"

I need to allow the season to stir me as a reminder. I need to allow the things familiar to point me to what God has done for me.
