Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Immediate Obedience

Over the last 6 months, God has been talking to me about…Immediate Obedience

How many pet owners want immediate obedience? 
How many parents want immediate obedience? 
How many husbands (or wives) want immediate obedience? 
Oh man, do we really want to go there!

In Matthew 21, Jesus told a story…“A man had two sons. He went to the first son and said, ‘Son, go and work today in my vineyard.’ The son answered, ‘I will not go.’ But later the son changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said, ‘Son, go and work today in my vineyard.’ The son answered, ‘Yes, sir, I will go and work,’ but he did not go. Which of the two sons obeyed his father?”  (Matthew 21:28-31)

The father asks the first son and he refuses to work. After thinking about it for a while, he changes his mind, and heads out to the vineyard. The father asks the 2nd son who responds but never follows through…he never goes.

So, let’s answer the question Jesus asked…
Which of the two sons obeyed his father?

Neither. Even though the first son did eventually go…wasn’t it delayed obedience? Isn’t delayed obedience really disobedience?

Even today, the Father is calling me to immediate obedience...
How about you?
