As they approached the Temple, a man lame from birth was being carried in. Each day he was put beside the Temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the Temple...The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money from them. But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk! (Acts 3:2-8)
This man was healed and strengthened instantly. He didn't require rehab or therapy.
He didn’t have to be taught how to walk or stand…even though he never had walked or stood in his entire life.
A huge miracle took place...a time when God acted above the laws of nature...
Because Peter faces the situation and publicly declares His trust in a supernatural God.
How many of us respond to situations like this?
Most of us try to avoid situations like this...we certainly wouldn’t bring God into the picture. Most of us try to keep our faith in God to ourselves...because we think it's a "private" thing.
I must realize that I can't do what Jesus calls me to do privately.
Remember what Jesus said in Acts 1 to all believers...
(Jesus) “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere.” (Acts 1:8)
How private does that sound?
excerpt from "CHURCH: the big idea--part 10 free download at