The setting was an alliance of the three kings of Judah, Israel, and Edom formed to fight against the king of Moab. The only king of the three who was attentive to the things of God was Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah. This coalition army found themselves in a dry valley with thirst about to destroy both the men and the animals.
Elisha commanded that ditches be dug in the dry valley in preparation for the miracle that God would give. Early the next morning the ditches were all filled to overflowing.
What can we learn from this miracle?
(1) God requires us to make preparation for receiving a miracle
(2) making preparation may not be easy
(3) the miracle may be limited to the depth of the preparation
God is not limited by us, but often He will go no further than we are willing to go.
What small thing is God asking of you in preparation for your miracle?
Have you stopped digging too soon?"
from "Is It Time to Start Digging?"--an article on written by R.E. Clark