Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Slow Down

We live in a society that thrives on being busy.  We feel pressure to do it all.  We find ourselves torn in a lot of different directions. We often define our success by how well we do in all of this.  

We all have different personalities and different capacities to which we like to be busy, but the reality is, for each individual whether introverted or extroverted, we all require space. 

In order to be whole, complete people we need to allow enough space in our lives for rest, reflection, time with family and time with God.  I encourage you this summer to do an assessment of where your anxiety level is at...Are you running on empty?  
Make sure that you are making space in your life to be refreshed in God's presence, to enjoy time doing something you love (even if it's not "productive") and to spend time with the most important people in your life. 

adapted from an article by Rich Guerra in the SoCal Network News July 12, 2013