Monday, February 10, 2014

Is it time to do something new?

"It can be easy to find ourselves in ruts. If you find yourself restless, bored, discouraged or coasting, maybe it's time to try something new.  For some personalities, doing something new comes naturally, but for others there are hurdles to overcome.
Here are 5 reasons why we often are hesitant to do something new:
Some fear the unknown...
Trying something new means an unknown outcome. Even if the outcome of what we usually do or have done previously isn't taking us to where we want to go, we know it's at least safe and comfortable.
Some fear failure...
Most everyone can agree, failure is never a good feeling. Nobody likes to fail. Some people won't start at all if they are not sure they can succeed.
Some don't know where to start...
Author Jon Acuff dedicates an entire book to the idea of starting. He talks primarily about why people don't pursue their dreams and encourages people to start small. It's always better to do something than nothing at all.
Some feel it's too difficult...
Trying something new is not always easy. It's much easier to do what we've always done.
Some say "it's not me"...
Often if something is not comfortable for us, we can write it off as not me because we compare ourselves to other people.
I encourage you, friends...
Trying new things may open up doors for you that you never thought possible!" 

excerpt from an article by Rich Guerra, SoCal AG Network