My elementary school teachers would say...
"Let's put on our thinking caps." As if we hadn't prior to this point, we'd go through the motions of placing it on our heads.
I never really understood that. I used to look around and think..."Yeah, that kid over there really needs to put his on!"
Now as an adult, this exercise makes more sense to me. "What was I thinking?" comes to mind all too often as I evaluate my everyday actions or words. It's as if I didn't have my 'thinking cap' on. There are days when I second-guess myself. There are situations where I don't know what to do. There are issues that I can't figure out. In many instances, I am stumped.
When I have no answers or solutions, a verse that puts my mind at ease is where God says..."I don't think the way you think" (Isaiah 55:8 MSG).
I'm so glad God doesn't need a 'thinking cap'.