Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan is an evangelical pastor who is being detained in China. He is considered to be one of the most outspoken evangelists in China as a bold believer willing to cross borders, hand out literature and Bibles, and lead thousands to Christ.
After coming to Christ in 1986, Pastor Bike began doing
missionary work in his hometown in China. His zeal for Christ pushed him beyond his hometown roots and he began ministering to thousands. In 1998, Pastor Bike began riding around China
to evangelize. He traveled 10,000 miles, across 24 Chinese provinces, telling others about our Lord Jesus Christ.
All these actions are considered "illegal" in China and Pastor Bike has been a frequent target of the Chinese authorities.
On August 6, just two days before the Olympics began, Pastor "Bike" was arrested, along with his wife and a coworker.
As I read about him and watched the news report, I knew that I needed to not only pray for him myself, but also tell everyone I knew to pray for him as well.
In response to these arrests, 2 Christian organizations have launched a petition drive to free these three Christians and to let the Chinese government know that the world is aware that these Christians are being detained.
I hope many people will read the info at www.freepastorbike.com, view the BBC news video, sign the online petition and pray for Pastor "Bike" today and in the days ahead.
I am reminded of something the apostle Paul wrote...
"Pray first that the Lord's message will spread rapidly and
be honored wherever it goes. Pray, too, that we will be saved from wicked and evil people." (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 NLT)
I will probably never meet this pastor, but I know God wants me involved in his life today.