Cabo reminds me of an upscale Tijuana on the harbor. Immediately, you notice Johnny Rockets, Ruth Chris Steakhouse, Hard Rock CafĂ© and Hagen Daas along with other stores and restaurants from the States. We even discovered an indoor 3-story “mall”—kind of a miniature version of North County Fair. Cabo was not the “Mexico” I am accustomed to.
It was quite a sight to see hundreds of people shopping and walking. Obviously, this region’s economy is based on tourism because they were ready for the shoppers. While walking, we were approached by locals trying to sell us jewelry, toys, and trinkets “almost free” (according to them) everywhere we went.
Tired after walking a couple of miles, we decided to head back to the ship. All along the way, DeeDee commented on the number of children who had been selling with their parents all day. She felt sorry for them and tried to convince me to purchase things from them. Out of pity. she resorted to giving some of them Pez candies from her purse. Don’t ever say my wife doesn’t have a heart for kids.
Back onboard the ship, we showered and dressed for dinner in the dining room. We enjoyed an incredible meal and conversation with our table mates from Vancouver, Canada and Oakdale, California. There’s nothing like fresh apple Pie and a cappuccino to end the day.