Monday, January 12, 2009

Giving Away My "Valuables"

Recently, I've been going through my things to find items to donate for our upcoming Silent Auction to raise funds for our Water Well Project. So far, we've raised approximately half of our goal--$3500 towards the digging of a new well for a needy African village or school. We're hoping that the Silent Auction--and end of the month Rummage Sale--helps us a lot.

I've chosen to donate what I consider some of my 'best stuff'. And I have to hasn't been easy to part with items I've put value on. I feel this pull...this 'selfishness' and 'materialism' being challenged by my commitment to this cause.

I expressed these thoughts to God. I then started reading in my Bible where I left off yesterday and God spoke to me..."Whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water will by no means lose his reward." (Matthew 10:42 ESV)

This verse touches my heart deeply. I am assured that God knows exactly what I'm feeling as I give away my 'valuables'. I know that as I give I'm not losing out in any fact, I'm gaining.

Don't forget...
We need you to give to the water well project!