After Jesus says this, the guy walks away sorrowful. I wonder what I would've done.
I mean, think about it...sell ALL you have and give it away. My first response is...what do I get out of this? I know you can get in my face with a pious challenge of "it's about giving, not getting". But how willing are you to do this? with everything you have? and then give it away?
I've heard this verse quoted and taught so many times...and truthfully, I've always found Jesus' words difficult to swallow until today. For the first time, the whole verse grabbed me this morning--"Sell all that you have and give to the poor, AND YOU WILL HAVE TREASURE IN HEAVEN." (Mark 10:21)
In the last 7 words--the ones usually not included as we quote the verse--Jesus gives my generosity and surrender meaning and purpose beyond this life. I realize what I do here on earth affects what I will experience in eternity. This doesn't make Jesus' challenge any easier, but it sure does change my perspective.