Monday, June 1, 2009

How Great Is My God?

Have you noticed how "things" affect us?

Last Thursday, a very, very close friend had a stroke. Over the last couple of days, there have been so many up and down hospital days as we've watched him struggle to recover speech, strength and clear thinking.

This came only days after the sudden death of the husband of one of my closest family members. Arriving home, my aunt found him unconscious. Because she lives in TN, I am limited in my ability to support her, but that doesn't diminish my heartache for her.

Situations affecting people I love have greatly affected my life.

So often I try to bring God down into the issues of my life so that I can work through them. Instead of getting God to come down to my 3ft view, I need to gain the 30,000ft vantage point God has...a
nd see things from His perspective.

It’s kinda like what the writer of Psalm 73 is talking about.
He says that it became oppressive and depressive when he tried to figure out what was taking place all around him...until he entered the Sanctuary of God. When he left his own little world for a moment to grasp the bigness of God, he was at peace because everything fades in the view of our great God.

Today I have to ask myself..."How great is my God?"
