felt Jesus point out that my focus is too much on what I have (and keep getting) and not enough on using my resources for God's purposes.
Today I read the rest of the passage..."Peter said to Jesus, "We have left everything and followed you." (Mark 10:28 NRSV)
I relate to Peter. I have given up things to follow Christ...people, plans, possessions. At times I second guess myself and wonder.
And then I hear the promise in Jesus' words...Jesus said,
"Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields
for my sake who will not receive a hundredfold now in this age and in the age to come." (Mark 10:29-30 NRSV)
Nothing is ever wasted in God's economy. He knows exactly
what I give up and leave behind to follow Him.
So again...Am I willing to give it away when God asks?